Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures: Westward Bound

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

After a brief stint away from Horizon Zero Dawn, I am back with another installment in “Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures.” This is my celebration of what might be the best looking game I’ve played since Red Dead Redemption.

Last time, we explored “Silence and Moonlight.” In this entry, we are saying goodbye to the open fields and grasslands and transitioning westward into uncharted territory. So join me if you will as we bid a fond — although not permanent — farewell to the heart of Mother’s Heart.

Let’s start with “In the Valley, a River Runs Through It.”

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

Not quite as creative a title, I call this one “Raining Forest.”

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

Here’s “In The Weeds, Over Yon.”

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

Flying Contraptions

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

My personal favorite for this installment is “The Grasslands (Adieu).”

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

And finally, here’s “Approaching The Remnants Of Man.”

Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures

And there you have it, another entry in the “Horizon Zero Dawn in Pictures” series.

Next time, we’ll find ourselves in the arid landscapes of the Western area of the map. What wonders will we find? How hot will it get? If you have any pics of your own to share, send them my way and join me in capturing the beauty that is Horizon Zero Dawn.

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