Many fans saw EA’s Star Wars Battlefront (2015) as a massive flop that launched to disappointing sales figures. While this idea gained a lot of traction in a certain segment of the gaming community, it was never true.
The rumor of Battlefront‘s demise began when Tony Bartel, COO of video game retailer GameStop, publicly announced disappointment in the title’s sales figures in late November, 2015.
However, what Bartel failed to mention is that the greatly anticipated The Force Awakens film hadn’t come out yet. In November, EA was still preparing itself for a double-whammy of huge sales spikes — a spike for the holiday season and another spike after the release of the film. In fact, EA COO Peter Moore tried to calm its investors, saying, “there is no weakness that is perceptible yet in the title.”
To set the record straight, EA’s original sales target was 10 million units over the game’s complete life cycle. When Battlefront‘s open beta proved to ignite enthusiasm for the title, that target was raised to 13 million units by the end of March of 2016. The game had hit that target by January of 2016, and it continued to sell well through all of 2016.
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) confirmed this with a list of the best-selling video games of 2016. Star Wars Battlefront ranked number 14.
Keep in mind that this is more than Dark Souls III and Final Fantasy XV, both of which were hugely anticipated titles that launched in 2016.
And Battlefront did even better in 2015, coming in fourth place after the mega-hits Black Ops III, Madden NFL ’16, and Fallout 4.
So relax. Star Wars Battlefront is doing just fine.
A sequel, Star Wars Battlefront II, is on track for release later this year, and it looks like it’s going to pack a serious punch in both single-player and multiplayer game modes.