The E3 Trailer for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Shows Us an Insane Alternate Version of the United States

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

A new Wolfenstein game was announced at the Bethesda 2017 E3 presentation; Wolfenstein: 2 The New Colossus. In keeping with the theme of the excellent Wolfenstein: The New Order — as well as the older entries in the series — The New Colossus looks insane and over-the-top.

This trailer begins with the disorienting yet expertly crafted faux TV shows and commercials, introducing us to an alternate-history universe in which the Nazis have taken over the United States of America. We’re also re-introduced to the ever-reliable protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz and the high-octane action of Wolfenstein‘s twisted world. And man, do I love the look and feel of alternate-reality America, which was merely alluded to in The New Order.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

The trailer features a conversation in a diner, which has a very Inglourious Basterds feel. And the villains look appropriately awful and unsettling. It’s all borderline insane, and I’m hopeful that the dark brand of humor from The New Order returns in full force.

And the visuals — oh, the lovely, lovely visuals, with their hi-rez gore and explosions. So very delicious.

I am greatly looking forward to Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, which is set to release October 27, 2017.

Danke Schoen, Bethesda.

You can check out eight minutes of epic trailer below.

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