DIY crafting is a huge part of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You will spend hours and hours collecting the recipes you need in order to craft the specific items you want to perfect your island paradise.
While the recipes you get by normal means seem pretty random, I’ve found that scanning amiibo cards can be a reliable way to get specific recipes you’re looking for. (I’ve outlined the entire process in another article, so I won’t do that here, but you can check out that article if you want to know more.)
There doesn’t seem to be a consensus on how recipes are assigned to specific villagers, so all I can really do is list the recipes I’ve gotten by scanning specific amiibo cards. Below is a full list of every amiibo I’ve scanned, and which items those characters have requested. I’ve yet to discover a pattern based on species or personality type, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
Also, Lolly has the Cutting Board recipe, if you’re looking for that one specifically.
Please note that this is by no means a complete list. This is just what I’ve managed to uncover through experimentation across three different game saves. If you have data to share from your own personal experience, I’d love to read about that in the comments section.
Species: Cat
Personality: Normal
- Cutting Board
- Grass Standee
- Wooden-Block Chest
Species: Octopus
Personality: Normal
- Rocking Horse
- Terrarium
- Wooden-Block Bed
- Wooden-Block Chest
- Wooden Toolbox
Species: Squirrel
Personality: Smug
- Acoustic Guitar
- Decoy Duck
- Ironwood Cart
- Wooden Double Bed
Species: Sheep
Personality: Sisterly
- Shell Partition
- Shell Speaker
- Sheel Stool
- Wooden Mini Table
- Wooden Table Mirror
- Wooden Waste Bin
Species: Rabbit
Personality: Cranky
- Ironwood Bed
- Ironwood Chair
- Log Stakes
- Wooden Bucket
- Wooden Low Table
Species: Penguin
Personality: Jock
- Iron Frame
- Kettlebell
- Mountain Standee
Species: Penguin
Personality: Peppy
- Log Bed
- Log Round Table
- Wooden Full-Length Mirror
Species: Eagle
Personality: Jock
- Doghouse
- Firewood
- Kettlebell
- Simple DIY Workbench
- Wild Log Bench
Species: Cat
Personality: Peppy
- Log Garden Lounge
- Shell Bed
- Shell Table
- Wooden Full-Length Mirror
- Wooden Stool
Ankha gives gold dishes
I know Joey (lazy) asked for cardboard furniture. I didn’t have any cardboard boxes, so I just started over and he asked for things other than cardboard furniture. So it’s def a toss up. But their personalities definitely dictate what they ask for. 🙂
Julian asked me for the ironwood cart, ironwood chair, and plate armor
Rudy asked me for the doghouse, simple DIY workbench, and tree standee