EA’s First Star Wars Battlefront II Trailer to Debut April 15

Star Wars Battlefront II

EA has recently said a goodbye of sorts to its controversial first-person shooter Star Wars Battlefront. No, the game’s not going anywhere; a post on EA’s website merely implied we won’t be seeing any new content for the game, as they’re shifting development to the game’s sequel.

That sequel, due out later this year, is getting its first trailer on April 15. The trailer will debut alongside a panel called “The Galaxywide Premiere of Star Wars Battlefront II” at Star Wars Celebration, where staff from development studios DICE, Criterion, and Motive will talk about the upcoming game.

The panel — as well as the trailer — will also be streamed for those who wish to attend in virtual space.

Star Wars Battlefront

At this point, we know very little about Star Wars Battlefront II (2017), so hopefully the April 15 panel will answer some of our lingering questions.

You can read EA’s official announcement on their website.

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