The Bethesda demo train just keeps chugging along.
We recently saw a three-mission demo for Dishonored 2, and the next game on the docket is Prey. The Prey demo, in a welcome change of pace, is slated to release April 27th, a week ahead of the game’s May 5 launch date.
It’s only the first hour of the game, and anyone interested in Prey has probably already seen more than half of this hour on the internet. But getting to go hands on pre-launch is still a promising turn of events for any of the hardcore try-before-you-buy types out there.
I’ve said this before: if a game is good, then let the gameplay sell the game.
This is an especially positive, consumer-friendly change of pace for Bethesda, a publisher that recently stopped shipping early review copies to members of the press. Their reasoning is that they want everyone to experience the game at the same time, pointing to the success of the recent Doom — which had its review copies arrive on the doorsteps of critics only a single day early — as a proof of concept.
I’ve been in the fence about Prey since it was first announced, especially since it’s only related to the original — which I enjoyed — by name only. And although turning into cup seems like a cool idea to some, I’m not yet sold. So a demo is exactly what the doctor ordered — Doctor Cool, that is.
Yes, I’m Doctor Cool…