I very recently praised Guerrilla Games’ decision to not force a Horizon Zero Dawn season pass down consumer’s throats. In fact, not only was there no season pass, but Horizon Zero Dawn released with barely a mention of DLC at all.
Until now.
In a recent interview with Jason Dunning at PlayStation LifeStyle, Guerrilla Games’ Managing Director Hermen Hulst had this to say:
We’re thrilled that Horizon Zero Dawn has been embraced by critics and players alike. Developing the game was a labor of love, so it’s extremely satisfying to see that it elicits the same passion and enthusiasm from the gaming public that we felt during its development. This is only the beginning of Aloy’s story and our exploration of the world of Horizon Zero Dawn, with the team already hard at work on an expansion to the story.
Although this isn’t much to go by, it is firm enough confirmation that DLC will indeed be coming down the pipes at some future date.
And I gotta say, my hat still goes off to this talented development team. This wasn’t a full-fledged announcement with a trailer and fanfare. Instead, it was simply, “Yeah, something is coming.” This only backs up my previous assertion; the handling of Horizon Zero Dawn‘s bits and pieces is still refreshing in today’s gaming business environment. I think this lends more credence to my opinion that the team was focused on delivering the main game first and foremost, with any auxiliary content shelved for a later date. And that later date has maybe come around.
For my money — and it could very well be for my money — that is how the game should be played.