Update: The new Battlefront II trailer is actually not the trailer that leaked earlier this week. It’s a good two minutes long and shows us a lot more than the original trailer did. Original article continues below.
Well, this is a bit awkward.
EA was planing a big April 15 reveal for their Star Wars Battlefront II trailer, but that trailer ended up leaking a bit early. Now, EA is pressing on as if the leak had never even happened.
To build a little hype for this trailer, they’ve released another trailer that advertises the real trailer. It’s a confusing marketing move that doesn’t really seem to add anything to the hype or mystery behind Battlefront II in any meaningful way. I guess we can assume this was all planned out before the leak and that EA just decided to roll with their pre-leak marketing plan.
And that means we get a trailer for a trailer, which, interestingly enough, is longer than the leaked trailer we saw.
You can check that out for yourself below, though tamper your expectations. You’re not likely to learn anything from it you didn’t already know.